Saturday, August 31, 2019

Practical Exam – Bio 125 Lab

Lab Due November 14, 2012 Practical Exam 1. a. The symbionts (Paramecium) of the termite belong to the kingdom Protista b. Paramecium living in the intestines of termites breaks down the cellulose walls of wood fibers releasing proteins that are absorbed by the termites’ digestive system. Paramecium benefit by having an environment to thrive and they ingest the wood fibers for their own nutrition as well. 2. c. An important ecological effect of diatoms is that when they die they hold onto CO2 trapped inside their silicon skeleton, carrying it to the ocean floor instead of being released into the atmosphere. . Autotrophic 3. Two characteristics that helped identify the euglena were: e. Two flagellas. f. Eyespot. 4. g. The bacteria in the picture labeled #4 is rod-shaped. h. Cyanobacteria are important producers of Nitrogen in marine environments. 5. i. Lactobacillus found in saliva produced lactic acid to cause Snyder’s medium to change color. j. The tube turned yellow a fter it was exposed to saliva. 6. k. Red algae have phycobilin pigments (phycoerythrin and phycocyanin) that mask the color of the chlorophylls.Brown algae have xanthophyll pigments that mask the green color of the chlorophyll. Green algae have cholorphylls a and b that give a bright green color. l. All algae have chlorophyll. 7. m. The hyphae of Rhizopus are coenocytic. n. Gametangia (hyphae fuse), plasmogomy occurs, karyogamy occurs forming Zygosporangium, sporangium form and haploid spores are released to germinate and form hyphae. 8. o. The function of gills in basidiomyctes is to produce spores. p. Basidiomycetes contain crosswalls (they are septate). 9. q. Yeast produces CO2, which makes dough rise. .Yeast ferment alcohol in brewing. 10. s. In mosses, the leafy green structure is the gametophyte. t. Gametophytes are haploid. 11. u. The plant pictured and labeled number 11 has vascular tissue. v. Sori are the sporangia structures found on the undersides of the fronds. 12. w. Th e cone labeled #12 is a female cone. x. The needle-like leaves of gymnosperms reduce the surface area, and thick cuticle and sunken stomata minimize water loss. 13. y. Body plan (c) shown on blackboard labeled #13 represents an acelomate. z. Hydras and jellies exhibit radial symmetry. 4. {. Eyespots in flatworms like planaria detect light and use them to move away from light sources. |. The concentration of sense organs at the anterior of this organism is cephalization. 15. }. Annelids such as the Earthworm, which was dissected in lab, have closed circulatory systems. ~. The digestive tract is complete because the digestive tract runs from mouth to anus.16. . The clitellum of the Earthworm is used in sexual reproduction. . Coelom in Earthworms aid in locomotion and function as a hydrostatic skeleton. 17. The function of hemolymph in an organism such as the Grasshopper is to transport nutrients. . Insects have 3 pairs of walking legs. 18. . Crayfish have an open circulatory system. . Male crayfish are generally bigger than females and have bigger claws. Also in male crayfish the two most anterior swimmerets are enlarged and hardened. 19. . The Perch is a vertebrate. . The lateral line organ is used to sense vibrations and pressure differences in water. 20. . The swim bladder in the Perch is used to maintain buoyancy. . Caudal fin is primarily responsible for propelling the fish forward. 1. . The front position of the mouth in the Perch is advantageous because it allows the Perch to eat and take in water as it swims forward. . No, most fish utilize external fertilization to sexually reproduce.22. . Rat belongs to class Mammalia. . Possess hair made of keratin. 23. . Yes, cephalization is apparent in the rat. . Cephalization is the concentration of sense organs at the anterior of an organism. 24. . Rat has a closed circulatory system. . Most rats utilize internal fertilization during sexual reproduction. 25. In plants the apical meristem can be found at the: . R oot tips Shoot tips 26. . The experiment of a Carnation placed into a beaker full of water and red food coloring demonstrated cohesion, adhesion and capillary action (transpiration) of water through the stem. . Xylem is the vascular tissue mainly involved in this process.27. . The leaves on blackboard labeled #27 are compound. . The leaves are from a dicot because they are arranged in five’s. 28. . The picture on blackboard labeled #29 is a monocot leaf. . The name of the cell at the end of the arrow is a guard cell. 29. . The picture on blackboard labeled #29 is the stem of a dicot. The vascular bundles are arranged in a ring in the cross-section of the stem. 30. . The secondary xylem growth rings of the woody stem can be counted to determine the age of a tree. . In the picture on blackboard labeled #30, the function of the structure at the end of the arrow is active xylem. This allows for water transport in the tree. Extra Credit 31. Two structural hallmarks of organisms cl assified mollusks are: muscular foot and mantle. 32. . Rhotifer is the smallest animal that has tissues and organs/organs systems. . The majority of these organisms reproduce by parthenogenesis.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Mcdonalds Pestel Analysis

McDonald’s Pestel analysis Political- * There is currently legislation being brought in to prevent fast food companies from advertising at certain times of the day, this is due to the large number of obese children currently in our country. It will see a large change in how the companies can advertise as they feel many kids are being targeted from a young age by fast food companies. * All products need to have full nutritional value on them so consumers can be made aware of the health risks of some of these products, for example in McDonald’s they show on their chips the levels of salt, fat , carbohydrates etc. nd how each portion measures in terms of the recommended daily human intake of these products * The government hold to right on the final say of who is approved to open a franchise, this takes this power out of McDonalds hands Economical- * As a business entity, McDonalds need to face a lot of economic variables outside its company or its macro environment. When looking for a supplier internationally for some of their products McDonalds should be aware on the global supply and currencies exchange.Although McDonalds use larger amounts of Irish beef than previously not all of their products are produced here so any changes in exchange rates may have a massive effect on what they pay on their imports. * McDonalds must face government regulations on tax of profit where it gains from the operation. They also face other costs such as for advertisements and for certain entertainment (such as in store music). Each country may have different scale or types of tax available and McDonalds should follow the regulation if it wants to continue the operation.As most of their branches are a franchise McDonalds will have to cecum to paying certain percentage of the revenue to the parent company in United States. Social- * There is a great need for McDonalds to cater for the different types of customers in different regions, For example in India people (Hind u) do not take beef, Muslim countries do not take pork, German like beers, Finnish like fish type of food menu, Chinese like to associate food with something good (for example prosperity), Asian like rice and Americans eat in big-sized menu. * Technological- Advances in online ordering and methods of paying that McDonalds have yet to adapt may have a negative effect for them, some fast food restaurants offer home delivery and online ordering this is something that McDonalds currently does not do. * They need to look for the next big thing in terms of technology and see how it can benefit them in remaining a power house in the fast food industry. Smart phones and tablets are becoming massive business and is where a lot of innovation takes place. Microsoft’s Xbox Kinect and smart glass are examples for their ambition to remain top in the gaming market, what will McDonalds do?Environmental- * Huge emphasis on recycling and proper waste management over the last few years itâ€⠄¢s important that McDonalds focus on making themselves more environmentally friendly. * Is there more in store that they can do to improve their eco rating. The body shop offers customers the chance to bring back their old bottles to be refilled and reused, while this may not be possible for McDonalds to do due to health and safety they should still look at ways of improving the stores waste management etc. Legal- * Sales figures in Ireland of McDonalds, Supermacs, KFC and Burger King. 1. McDonalds- 2. Supermacs- 3. KFC- 4. Burger King-

Best High School Experience Essay

My best high school experience would be graduating. Me graduation was the highlight of my teenage life. I was happy to be leaving high school and beginning a new chapter in my life. I was excited to step into adulthood and be independent. Of course I mentally prepared myself for what was to come and I was more than prepared for all the challenges I would face with being on my own and starting college. This would be my first year in college and I can say that everything has been going pretty good. There has been some up and downs along this new journey of mine, but I really can’t complain. I am on the road to success and I know my parents couldn’t be any happier. I hope to someday accomplish my dream of becoming a pediatrician and working with children. I feel proud of myself for coming this for and I’m glad to say that this is just the beginning. All of this wouldn’t have been possible if I wouldn’t have graduated high school so graduating high scho ol is by far my best experience.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Mixed metal and mixed ligand for tri-nuclear complexes Research Proposal

Mixed metal and mixed ligand for tri-nuclear complexes - Research Proposal Example The first case involves trinuclear Au (I) adducts {[3, 5-(CF3)2Pz] Au}3.6 (Bowmaker et al, 2014). Complexes involving synthesis of silver(I) and copper(I) exist exhibiting the structures {[3,5-(CF3)2Pz]Ag}3 and {[3,5-(CF3)2Pz]Cu}3. The resultant effect is a copper complex that has a mixed vallent structure of {[3, 5-(CF3)2Pz]5Cu(II)2Cu(I). Cu2 dimer becomes available through treatment of {[3,5-(CF3)2Pz]Cu}3 with 2,4,6- collidine which is of an appropriate amount. Bis(pyrazolyl)borate adduct Cu1 is a byproduct that originates from the synthesis of collidine, CuOTf and [H2B(3,5-(CF3)2Pz)2]K (Lalinde et al, 2014) The equivalent related adducts of Silver Ag1 and Ag2 underwent analogous procedures during their preparations. Various methods characterized their differing complexes which include X-ray crystallography. Cu1 and Cu2 have trigonal planar sites of copper (Miyake et al, 2014. In contrast to the feature, Ag2 consists of Ag(u-N-N)2Ag unit that is found in half-boat conformation. The intermolecular distance between the Ag***Ag molecules is 3.5618A. Other crystals exist which feature Ag2 molecules comprising of flattened and boat chair conformations (BeÃŒ ziau et al, 2013). It becomes important to observe that bis(pyrazolyl)borato components and complexes such as Ag1 are rare due to their ease of decomposition on silver metal (Zhou et al, 2014). Therefore, unique photophysical properties are highlighted for the mononuclear and dinuclear silver(I) and copper(I) complexes. Biswas, S., Saha, R., & Ghosh, A. (2012). Copper (II)–Mercury (II) Heterometallic Complexes Derived from a Salen-Type Ligand: A New Coordination Mode of the Old Schiff Base Ligand. Organometallics, 31(10), 3844-3850. Bowmaker, G. A., Hanna, J. V., King, S. P., Marchetti, F., Pettinari, C., Pizzabiocca, A., ... & White, A. H. (2014). Complexes of Copper (I) Thiocyanate with Monodentate

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

American History Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 6

American History - Essay Example In the Encyclopedia Smithsonian, Roosevelt is labeled as the â€Å"Icon of the American Century,† right after the war against Spain in Cuba, he was chosen to be a governor in 1898 and as a vice president in 1900 (National Portrait Gallery). He strived to be the person anyone wants to be despite the tragedies that he have undergone – the death of his mother and wife. With the assassination of President McKinley, Roosevelt’s fate has been decided, he became the youngest US president at that time. He made sure to make the government be of service with the people – he made sure that despite the growing inequalities, President Roosevelt normalized huge businesses’ trusts to create fair competition and he also closely watched the railroads, labor and processed food industry (National Portrait Gallery). He also did everything he could to maintain the status of USA in world affairs and leadership. As a president, he was characterized as progressive and mode rn, he also believed that it was his duty as president to lead the initiatives that will be beneficial to them and to the welfare of their country. He was also one of the few president who used their executive powers in the same level of the other branches of the government and he believe that the powers of the president should also be put under limitations and restrictions (National Portrait Gallery). Roosevelt is only one of the many that can be called an American hero. There is Jane Addams who was a social reformer who led the international initiatives to intervene between the countries who are going against one another in World War I, and Charlotte Perkins Gilman who was a feminist author who reasoned out that women should be capable of participating actively in the realm of politics and that women should be economically independent – all of these were written in â€Å"Women and

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Marketing strategies of the Big Four U.K. banks Case Study

Marketing strategies of the Big Four U.K. banks - Case Study Example The analysis results are summarised in Table 2. HSBC, as the biggest bank in the group, would want to stay in the lead, even widen it by increasing its customers, so the ad campaign would reflect a strategy to accomplish such, using the tagline "The World's Local Bank" to communicate the bank's credentials and highlight its expertise to give customers what they want. Striking images that generate opposite sentiments allow its advertisements to emphasise HSBC's knowledge of customers' intimate details, sending the message that the bank knows what they want. This is based on the recognition that each person may see the same thing in different ways because each one is unique. Emphasising its knowledge of different cultures where the bank operates, HSBC shows that it retains a local touch, appealing to customers to trust the bank. Gaining the customer's trust is important because the bank is a repository of something of value to the customer's present and future: wealth. The bank has to look trustworthy, competent, but daring. HSBC's recent change to the "What's Your Point of View" campaign relies on customer-generated content to extend and reinforce its previous message in a way that is consistent with the assumption that in a world increasing in sameness, customers are tired of the same things and are looking for something new, and that being new and different creates the potential to discover new experiences that could make the customer rich in their humanity. Associating the knowledge of other cultures with personal growth, HSBC sends the message that its familiarity with the unique, the unexpected, diversity and uncertainty is a quality that helps the bank grow the customer's wealth. The bank's consistent use of "The World's Local Bank" and the single, unified, and easily recognisable global brand represented by the red and white hexagon logo reveals HSBC's core marketing strategy, which is to make the bank the preferred choice for every customer, retaining what they have and encouraging potential customers to give HSBC a try. HBOS: Always Giving You Extra Halifax Bank of Scotland (HBOS) is playing catch up with HSBC and would want to distance itself from its Scottish cousin, the Royal Bank of Scotland. As can be seen from Table 1, HBOS is not as profitable as RBS, so it would design a marketing strategy that would allow it to get closer to HSBC and make it more profitable than RBS. This means increasing its customer base and revenues, and finding a way to get more profits out of each. HBOS does this uniquely, using its staff - colleagues as the bank calls them - to sell products in print and TV ads. For years, HBOS has been running singing auditions amongst its back office and front line colleagues to choose a "Star Colleague" to appear in their ads. Behind such a marketing strategy are two messages HBOS wants to send. First, that the bank has a "human" touch, that its people are extra special and possess an X-factor (playing on the bank's logo) that makes them go to extraordinary lengths for their customers. Second, building on this human and personal connection makes it easier to cross-sell other products and services. The first brings in the customers, whilst the second brings in the profits because as Reicheld (1994) argued, increasing customer loyalty can

Monday, August 26, 2019

Promotional Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Promotional Strategy - Essay Example In order to maximize sales volume and reach as many customers as possible, the company will aim to use more of a ‘pull’ promotional strategy (Lamb, Hair & McDaniel, 2008), in tandem with the ‘push’ strategy which will be more subtle. The aim is to entice the end users to pull the EJ’s Innovation and More product from the manufacturer or the distributor into their homes. Sales promotion in the first phase of the campaign will be extensive but will be monitored closely. As this represents a cost that can be controlled, if the response of the customers is more than expected in certain cities or areas, sales promotions will be curtailed in those regions.  Pull Strategy With this strategy, the company is hoping to reach a massive audience, as has been defined previously. Strategies will include heavy television, radio, print, online and billboard advertising, especially in the major cities all over the U.S. The special features of EJ’s Innovations and More laptops and PCs such as touch-screen would be very creatively, yet simply, advertised to the customers. Special contests would be advertised online and in print which would allow every ten thousandth customer to get a lap top or PC with any five additional features of his choice. Similar tactics will continue throughout the campaign to attract new customers to the product. The company has plans to invest in trade advertising and incentives to encourage support businesses to push the new range of laptops

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Global warming Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Global warming - Research Paper Example What makes their excess in the atmosphere particularly dangerous is their function. They serve as a blanket for the sun rays after they reach the Earth, so that they can not radiate back to the space (Kayne). The tremendous energy stored in the sun rays thus adds to the heat of the environment, and the temperature of the Earth rises in general. The rising temperature has many repercussions. As the temperature is going up, glaciers are melting away, thus adding to the sea water. There has been a considerable rise in the sea level over the past few centuries. The excess water floods out of the sea and causes damage to life and property on Earth. Every year, several tsunamis happen in different parts of the world. Much of the natural disasters can be attributed to the global warming. Moreover, global warming is depriving the polar bears of their habitat. As glaciers melt away, polar bears find it difficult to

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Tigers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Tigers - Essay Example Above the orange, the tiger is the vertical column of the white waterfall. The line of the plants underneath the Tigers do a similar transfer of colors, but they also form the vague outline of a heart, suggesting a strong bond between the animals. All of these less noticeable elements contribute to the idea of deep friendship between the two tigers that are the subject of the image. As has been discussed, there are two tigers in the image, one white and one orange. They stand on their hind legs with their forelegs wrapped around each other’s shoulders so that their bodies meet in a strong diagonal slant. Only the white tiger’s face is visible, but it almost seems as if the animal is smiling as it rests on and supports the other. This embrace is seen as friendly instead of combative because of the other elements of the image that have already been discussed.As we look at the image above, we gain a sense of strong friendship between creatures rather than competitive fight ing. The viewer is soothed and grounded by the deep greens of the background and is given a strong sense of energy and harmony by the other colors involved in the image. Stability and comfort are added to by the shapes and lines included in the background and foreground. This all contributes to the way that the subject of the image, the two tigers, is interpreted by the viewer. In the end, we understand the image to be a picture of friendship between similar but different creatures that contribute to the harmony and health of the natural world.

Friday, August 23, 2019


THE NATURE AND SIGNIFICANCE OF THE NEW TESTAMENT - Essay Example Through such a level of engagement understanding, it is the hope of this author that the reader will gain a more informed and relevant understanding as to why the New Testament exists, how it came to be, and what overall relevance this has to the believer/nonbeliever within the current time. Firstly, in seeking to answer the question of what defines the Old Testament, the reader can and should engage with the understanding that it is far more than a mere continuation of the books of the Old Testament. Instead, it is the direct fulfillment of prophecy that was alluded to from the book of Genesis; when God promised that the circuit would be dealt a mortal wound. Naturally, this mortal wound was with reference to the fact that price, God’s own son, would come to the earth and serve as atonement for the sins of all mankind. This particular theme of salvation, atonement, and a savior is represented throughout the Old Testament and a litany of different prophecies and levels of foreshadowing. In such a way, rather than merely interpreting the New Testament as a continuation of doctrine and religious belief, the individual should approach it as the fulfillment of ancient prophecy and the proof that the prior Scriptures had come to be fulfilled. As compared to the Old Testament, the New Testament was written in a relatively short period of time; approximately 50 years. As a result of the fact that the early churches received the writings of the apostles, they began to be distributed, copied, and studied by these early groups of Christians. This naturally led the entire process to one in which the early church fathers, including Clement, Polycarp, and Ignatius, began to readily combine and distribute all of these as a means of providing a thorough overview of the way in which doctrine, belief, and understanding be represented among the early believers. Not surprisingly, a great deal of controversy arose with respect to what should be included and what should not.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Leadership Styles of coaching Term Paper

SPORT PSYCHOLOGY, Leadership Styles of coaching - Term Paper Example Coaches are expected to be able to take a long view, observe, and make constructive criticism that allows the person to be the best they can be. â€Å"A coach usually sits on the sidelines and provides encouragement and advice to the players on the field. During time outs the coach helps the players to see the big picture of what is happening†¦ in a similar way, mentors can coach beginning teachers to connect theory with practice† (Boreen et al, 35). Mentoring and coaching can be very enlightening and positive ways for experienced leaders to reach those new to the team, but there are also risks to these strategies, as well as pros and cons to different leadership styles. Coaches may follow authoritative leadership roles, or be more confrontational to authority. Understanding leadership is very important to coaching professionals because they have to be able to differentiate between different leadership styles, use them appropriately, and find which is best for the situation. For example, the official leader in team development is different from the emergent leader in that there is more likelihood that the official leader will represent traditional organizational forces and the status quo. The emergent leader, on the other hand, may represent a challenge to this sense of tradition and status quo, and thus may present old issues in a new way or seek to change the basic organizational structure. It is likely that the coaching professional will therefore be more attracted to the emergent type of leadership than the traditional, but they should know the styles and characteristics of both. It is also likely that the emergent leader is going to have less of a solid bureaucratic support-structure than the official leader, and may not have the trad itional, conservative authority within a school or organization that an official leader has. The coach acting in an official leadership role may be less willing to take as many risks. Many also think

Employee Volunteer Program Essay Example for Free

Employee Volunteer Program Essay Employee volunteer program is a major part of the Corporate Citizenship profile that has become an intrinsic agenda of many successful companies, who understand the value of community service and are ready to contribute their resources in its various forms to such gesture. This is because the importance of employee development is overwhelming: it extends to the company, the employee and the community in which the program is launched. This concept of employee volunteer program describes a situation a company sets a mission statement and proposes goals with a view to contributing to the community in which they live, by getting their employee involved in charity, giving, and community services. These seeming philanthropic activities are targeted at a particular community, usually that which the company serves with its products and services. This agenda is an indispensable program for excellent companies: it is important because it contributes to the Corporate Citizenship Outlook of the company which is promoted among the members of such community. A detailed look at the benefits of the plan has made intelligent company leaders and boards to incorporate it into their company’s mission statement. Really, the importance of corporate social responsibility can not be overemphasized. The benefits are enormous: it is a win-win situation for all. The employees, if well incorporated into the agenda, are strengthened in human relationships, and there is increased employee loyalty. Loyalty is fast promoted when the program recognizes, acknowledges and duly appreciates employee contribution to the company. The company social image is promoted because of such programs. It increases its ability to penetrate the society, and convince it of its products or services; it also makes the organization ‘ a good corporate citizen’. Communities benefit directly from the program: there is associated development. A section of the society is improved through the charity, giving and other forms the program could have taken. Everyone smiles home. And this impact makes the community another marketable centre for the organization, and an extension of its advertising unit. Its benefits outweigh its costs. However, those are also very important as it makes a decision to incorporate such a balanced one: the financial implications are enormous since it is usually a charity parade. This is one of the major costs that the company battles with. It is only with effective communication that employees see the need for it; otherwise, it won’t achieve it set goals. This implies that companies should be ready to create a viable structure for it, fund such and promote it even to the employees that would be involved. Since it is a volunteer, it stands the risk of non-compliance if this structure and communication are not in place. However, employee volunteer program promotes the Company, its employee and the community served. It is a good agenda for a corporate social responsibility.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention

Hybrid Model of Crisis Intervention Frances Roulet   Analysis case study: Vignette. In the process applying the six step model of crisis intervention in this case, the soldier deployed back home without no type of psychological and social support from the military system or his family. Therefore, there was no prior assessment before sending the soldier back home, and no assessment in understanding the problem itself (James Gilliland, 2013). The process of deployment when reintegrating a soldier back home becomes a major issue in mental health. According to Doyle Peterson (2005) soldiers that have been life threatening warzone when they are allowed to return home, and they are happy to return and see their families and friend, present problems difficulties in adjusting back to their community environment. This veteran soldier which arrived to his hometown, and who was never received by his family members because the military department in charge failed to notify his family and wife. Once he arrived to his hometown and faced the feeling of confusion and loneliness by not having family or military support. Even though, researchers such as, Demers (2011) acknowledge the struggles that these soldiers confront and develop symptoms of depression, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, [PTSD] symptoms and even suicidal thoughts when they are returning back home. Demer (2011) indicated that for a number of soldiers, the reintegration process becomes a challenge which might include a crisis of identity and feelings of alienation. Although, one of the first elements in contacting the person is the client’s name and introducing themselves in a non-threatening manner. The soldier caught by surprise every single person at his children school. Subsequently, the immediate response was to search safety and manage to call the Police Department as well as, the mother of the children to provide enough information in order to first secure the children and, then attempting to make any type of contact with the soldier and making him think he had control over the situation. Even if this was a momentary situation of the crisis. Once the safety of the children was ensured, as well as, the rest of the people; there is a need to continue assessing the possibility of physical and psychological danger to the soldier as well as to others. Wherefore, the assessment and ensuring of safety becomes a continuous part of the process of the crisis intervention (James Gilliland, 2013). While maintaining an open communication with the soldier in the process of crisis, support may be given allowing the soldier to ventilate his emotions, but also can be an instrumental and informational for the first responders (James Gilliland, 2013). Hoge, Lesikar, Guevara, Lange, Brundage, Engel, Orman, Messer (2002) explained that they consider that the risks factors of mental health problems, such as major depression, substance abuse, PSTD among others, may be presented after military conflicts, deployment stressors and exposing soldiers to combat, and, may produce an impairment in social functioning along with the ability to work; therefore, increase the use of health care services. Demer (2011) also indicated that these additional stressors can have a negative effect when military deployment occur when soldiers returns home and are not follow-up properly. For most of these soldiers, additional stressors, become a major difficulties and even distressing experience instead of a welcomed relief. One of the consequences of this distressing experience is the intense identity crisis, when military discharge occurs (Demer, 2011). In analyzing this case, the soldier could have presented psychological challenges when he was deployed to warzone, and as an immigrant in a different culture (home and host culture), he could have presented an acculturative stress. This generated a negative impact and reaction in the soldier which lead him to an identity crisis and mental health problem (Berry, Kim, Minde Mok, 1987). Maslow’s theory of hierarchy of needs explains different levels of needs that humans portrays. In a crisis intervention one of the first things to assure is the physiological needs, such as water, food, among other. The person will only be focusing on his or her survival. Nevertheless, security also becomes one of the most vital element when we are facing a crisis intervention. In this particular case, the soldier maintained his children and wife life’s threatened and also had the school personnel and coworkers of his wife. In fact, he killed several people in the process of his crisis. The soldier neglected taking care of his own security needs, referring to those things that the individual feels safe of harm. For example, belonging to the community as a member, therefore, protection is given just because the person belongs to this community group. Another vital need within this hierarchy, is the social needs as a human beings. This need encompasses companionship, love and affection. Once again, the soldier of this case, upon his arrival to his hometown confronted by the absentee of his wife and children and lack of support from the military system could not managed the transition of his deployment back home. This circumstances, detonated a crisis which lead to a fatal outcome for everyone. According to Phillips, LeardMann, Gumbs Smith (2010) when a person is exposed to combat, and have constant threats of death or witness to it, serious injury or witness to it become significant risk factors for screening positive for postdeployment PTSD among soldiers as well as, violence exposures prior entering the infantry. Hoge, Castro, Messer, McGurk, Cotting, Koffman (2004) explained that soldiers and marines presented new onset PTSD after returning from combat several months later. These investigators explained that in their study a 7.6% was revealed with probable new onset PTSD. In the soldier case, he definitely was presenting new onset symptoms for PTSD because he felt confused, abandoned without support and no communication. There is a probability that he might have been impacted and presented symptoms of PTSD before being deployed to Vietnam, and returned traumatized with his experience in Vietnam. References Berry, J. W., Kim, U., Minde, T., Mok, D. (1987). Comparative studies of acculturative stress. International Migration Review, (21): 491–511. Demer, A. (2011). When veterans return: The role of community in reintegration. Journal of Loss and Trauma, (16): 160-179. Doyle, M. E., Peterson, K. A. (2005). Re-entry and reintegration: Returning home after combat. Psychiatric Quarterly, 76(4): 361-370. Hoge, C., W., Lesikar, S., E., Guevara, R., Lange, J., Brundage, J., F., Engel, C., C., Orman, D., T. Messer, S., C. (2002). Mental Disorders among US military personnel in the 1990s: Association with high levels of Health care utilization and early military attrition. American Journal Psychiatry, 159: 1576-1583. Hoge, C., W., Castro, C., A., Messer, S., C., McGurk, D., Cotting, D. I. Koffman, R., L. (2004). Combat duty in Iraq and Afghanistan, mental health problems, and barriers to care. New England Journal of Medicine, 351(1): 13-22. James, R. Gilliland, B. (2013). Crisis Intervention Strategies. (7th Edition). Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole, Cengage Learning. Phillips, C. J., LeardMann, C. A., Gumbs, G. R., Smith, B. (2010). Risk factors for posttraumatic stress disorder among deployed US male marines. BMC Psychiatry, 10(1): 52.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Economic Advantages and Disadvantages of a One Global Currency

Economic Advantages and Disadvantages of a One Global Currency Introduction The recent history of currency exchange rates includes 3 huge changes starting from the end of the XIX to the end of the XX century. Pure gold standard has been the basis for trading between nations during 1879 and 1914 (Abdel-Monem, n.d.). At the beginning of World War I, this standard ceased to exist and in 1920 countries permitted greater exchange rate flexibility (Jereissati, 1999), which however, did not last long and after the end of the World War II the Bretton-Woods system has been implemented. This standard has been created as a result of numerous meetings between the World War II winning states with the final conference taking place at the Hotel in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The standard took the name of this last conferences venue (Grabbe, 1996, as cited in Tucker, 2008). In August 15, 1971 Richard Nixon in his speech announced that the price of dollar will be no longer fixed against gold. This has put an end to the Bretton-Woods system and has set-off a new era in international monetary system. The main feature of this new system is that it is neither a pure gold standard nor a pure exchange rate float, but rather a system in between these two extremes (Meese, 1990). This standard exists until today and has been strongly undermined during the latest financial crisis. In this respect, the idea of having a single global currency is widely discussed as an alternative monetary system. This literature review outlines advantages and disadvantages of a single global currency. The Single Global Currency The Concept of a Single Global Currency Single global currency, as one can see from the example of Euro, signifies that countries, where this currency would be implemented, should be the members of a monetary union with one central bank, common currency, a coherent and binding financial policy. Scandinavian Currency Union (SCU), which included Denmark, Norway and Sweden, established a common currency unit, although central banks in each of those countries retained control over monetary policy and did not experience significant loss of independence (Bergman, 1999). The single global currency is a much more complicated issue. History recognizes a lot of monetary unions of different size, both formal and informal. However the most successful example came from the European Union, which is the Economic Monetary Union (EMU). There are also two proposed single currencies, which potentially may come near the Euro. They are the GCC monetary union currency and the Asian Monetary Unit. Economic Advantages of a Single Global Currency The advantages of a global currency are as follows. First of all, single currency will eliminate transaction costs, which are linked to international financial operations. This will affect both: ordinary citizens who plan to spend money abroad and multinational corporations undertaking international transactions. Different currencies create a lot of inconveniences and barriers. Exchanging one currency for another always involves currency exchange fees, as banks, which provide such currency exchanges, require commissions for their services. In the scale of countries or even monetary unions such expenditures on currency exchange fees may reach high amounts. By eliminating the need for currency exchange the monetary unions may save resources (Buiter, 1999, as cited in Bonpasse, 2008). For instance, the European Commission (EC) has estimated that due to a single currency across the European Union 13 to 20 billion of Euro were saved per year (Grauwe, 2007). Moreover the difference between the currencies exchange rates becomes an obstacle for a free flow of trade. As the barrier of different currencies will disappear, the number of international transactions will increase. Bordo and James (2006) said that neighboring countries, which are members of a common monetary union, tend to trade more frequently with each other. In a study conducted by Micco, Stein, and Ordonez (2003) they found out that trade between EU members increased by 8 to 16%, after EMU was created (as cited in Lane, 2006) Currency risks nowadays are one of the major disadvantages of the modern international financial system. Everything, ranged from a natural disaster to terroristic attack, may affect the value of the currency and as a result cause loss. Foreign investors, as well as stock holders, have to hedge their risk, which also demands additional expenditures. Implementation of the single global currency will eliminate the risk of loss, due to currency fluctuations. Moreover Bonpasse (n.d.) points out that the adoption of a single global currency will save 400 billion of US dollars annually in foreign exchange transaction costs, which come from trading 3.8 trillion US dollars every trading day. Currency misalignment is a process when central bank increases or decreases the value of its currency against another for different purposes. The most known cases of currency manipulation are the cases of China and Japan. Both countries artificially undervalued their currencies, which made their exports more competitive. As the value of Yen and Yuan decreases, the prices on Japanese and Chinese products will consequently fall. This has created a great advantage for Japanese and Chinese products in the market. Today the low value of these currencies, which has nothing to do with the real situation, has created huge difficulties for the economies of Europe and USA. Japan and China, based on all criteria related to the IMF definition, have been persistently manipulating their currencies to gain an unfair competitive advantage (Preeg, n.d.). Obviously with a single global currency, currency manipulation by individual countries would be impossible. Moreover there will be no need of such k inds of unfair methods. It is easy to perceive that problems of contemporary monetary system are currency rate fluctuations. As most of the currencies are free and are not fixed to any value, there is a huge possibility for currency speculations. For instance, speculative opportunities of FOREX market may have a great impact on economics of countries and their financial situation. The speculative attack on the Swedish Krona in 1992 is a perfect example. The Central Bank of Sweden had to raise the interest rate of its currency which caused devaluation of the Krona. Receiving income from currency speculations is getting money out of nothing. The next benefit from implementing a single global currency will be the elimination of currency speculations existence. The single global currency will present a different choice for speculators: if they wish to speculate, they will need to choose another commodity, as the money of the people will no longer be for sale (Bonpasse, 2006). Another problem of todays financial system is international reserves or foreign exchange reserves. As the possibility of a currency crash is high, due to currency risks and currency speculations, every country holds assets in various foreign currencies, which are considered as reserve currencies. Mainly it is the US dollar, not so often it is the Euro or the UK pound. However after implementing the single global currency, this hedging method will be unnecessary. As the central bank will abandon the foreign exchange reserves, it will save a considerable amount of money. In 1992 the European Commission estimated that the future Eurozone members might be able to reduce their total international reserves by one-half or $200 billion (Bonapasse, 2008). Disadvantages of a Single Global Currency Turning to disadvantages of a Global Currency, the most negative side of it is that countries will lose the ability to control their financial policy. Today every country is able to determine their monetary policy independently. In order to have an influence on the economy, nowadays central banks of every country through influencing exchange rates and adjusting interest rates, may increase or decrease economic activity. However in case of a single global currency, changes in a local countrys finances, will demand changes in the global scale. So with the Global Currency countries will lose flexibility in their monetary policy. A uniform policy template to provide macroeconomic stability, will constrain a countrys ability to make independent interest rates and exchange rate policy (Bonpasse, as cited in Wenzel, 2007, p17). Another significant disadvantage of having a Global Currency is connected with the difference in economies of different countries. While there are only a few developed states with strong economies, the rest of the countries of the world have rather weak economies, for instance the majority of African countries or some South American countries. In the world with a common currency, the weak economies shall pull down the rest, more well off countries. If one of the members will face a crisis, the others will have to spend their resources in order to stabilize the situation. A perfect example could be the debt crisis, which recently has occurred in Greece. While the EU/IMF bailout package wasnt enough, Germany had to loan about 110 billion Euros in order to save the country from bankruptcy. In addition the crisis had a chance to spread to other countries, as it reduced confidence in the economies of other EU members. Conclusion: Is The Single Global Currency Implementable? Global Currency as a financial system has been first mentioned back in the end of XIX century. The reasons why this system still has not been implemented are rather social and political, than economical. The first obstacle is national identity. Most of the nations consider their currencies as a national symbol, equal to the flag and the anthem. Obviously people will hardly discard their own national symbol, their source of pride. Some people are tempted to view such symbols as they do their flags and national constitutional documents, and the loss of such symbols can be considered as a national loss (Bonpasse, 2008). Just imagine how hard it will be for Americans to abandon dollar and accept a currency with absolutely neutral name and with neutral images and signs. In case of a Global Currency it should be absolutely neutral, as Euro is. Political barriers also should be taken in to account. In the conditions where political tensions between two countries are possible, implementing a single currency is a huge problem. For instance, it is difficult to imagine how USA, Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and Iran, countries which have experienced significant political tensions, would negotiate in order to accept a single currency. Or it is difficult to say how it is going to work between countries which are in state of war like North and South Korea. In addition, due to political discords, such issues as supply and printing of the Global Currency would be problematic. As an independent central bank is demanded, the first dispute within the countries would be about the location of the central bank. Every member of the global monetary union would try to pull the blanket over. It is hard to believe that after gaining membership to the global monetary union, countries would not start attempting to gain greater influence o n the central bank and hence the monetary policy. Though the process of globalization seems to be unstoppable, we are still far away from being even close to a Global Currency. In my point of view, implementation of the single global currency can be compared to the legends about Eldorado or dreams of Utopia. There is no doubt that Global Currency has more benefits than costs. The loss of control of the monetary policy is a really low price for the other advantages of this idea. Throughout the history mankind tried to give birth to a global government. League of Nations and UN could serve as examples. Esperanto as a worldwide language also has been a great proposal, which could simplify the understanding between nations. But both concepts were not successful up to this time. Unfortunately the single global currency is an idea of such type. Although globalization and the Internet did bring people around the world closer to each other, maybe we are still to different to buy food with the same money. Maybe social and cultural difference s play much bigger role in our life, than we think. USSR made an effort of erasing these differences, but where is the USSR now?

Monday, August 19, 2019

Black Arrival In Canada :: essays research papers

The arrival of blacks in Canada is a very interesting topic. In 1606 Mattieu DaCosta, a translator for a European ship named Jonas was first black man that was recorded in Canada’s history(he was from Portugal). His job was to translate the language of the â€Å"MicMac† Indians during trade on the Pierre deGua expedition. Later in 1628, a British ship went up the St. Lawrence River to arrive at New France. In its cargo was a single Madagascan Black chil. This child, who was six years old at the time, was in possession by David Kirke who was a famous privateer who, with blessings of King Charles 1, was executing raids on young French colonies. The African child was the first known Black resident of Canada. He came as a slave. The subsequent year David Kirke captured Quebec City from, Samual deChamplain, it's founder. In 1713, the French territory of Acadia was ceded to the British by the Treaty of Utrecht. Southern settlers from New England moved north into the area, which was re-named Nova Scotia on July 4th 1776, the war for Canada's Independence. At this time there were approximately 500,000 blacks on which the French and the British counted on to assist them in fighting for their(the blacks) freedom. The first rebel to be killed was black, Chris Pazatex. One fifth of them were killed. After the war was over the British somewhat kept their promise. The promise of freedom and relocation for slaves to Nova Scotia. However, only 1 out of 10 to relocate were black. The promise was land, but only a small few received and owned any land. Most worked in houses of whites at a quarter of their wage. The majority of Black Loyalists were transported between April and September 1783.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Analysis of Richard Adams Watership Down :: essays research papers

Briefly tell us what this book is about (without giving away the ending, of course!). This book is about black people and white people. The black people are crosses and rule over the white noughts or 'blankers'. Callum, a nought grows up with Sephy, whose father is the leader of a strong political party. Their 2 families hate each other, and Sephy and Callum begin to fall in love- dangerous, considering one is a nought and one is a cross. How does the title relate to the storyline? Noughts and crosses are the two classes of people, noughts are white people and crosses are black people Is there something interesting that the author does to present the story? Malorie Blackman cleverly writes it like a diary, but sometimes Sephy is speaking and sometimes Callum is speaking. If you could rewrite the story, what would you change to make it better? I couldn't make it better! Why would you recommend (or not recommend) this book to a friend? Its different, clever, quirky, makes me feel like crying! Its really amazing, and I would definately recommend it to any teenager. Why did you choose to read this particular book? My friend recommended it to me- I wasn't too impressed by what she said about it, but when I read it I was like wow! I read it really really quickly, and I couldn't wait for the sequel Knife Edge to come out! Complete this sentence: When I finished reading the last page of this book, I felt... Excited, I can't wait to read the sequel. What type of reader do you think this book is appropriate for? I think any teenager would love this book- if you don't like it you're wierd!! The ending is really really sad, and you expect some miraculous esape, but it doesn't happen! I don't think this book is suitable for anybody under 11. The length doens't matter because you don't do anything else except read it! When you've read this book- make sure you read the sequel Knife Edge, and then the climax of the triolgy Checkmate. Give at least one example of a memorable quote, moment, or theme from the book.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Orange County Essay

After California passed a proposition limiting revenue generated from local property taxes, pressure was put on local governments to raise enough money to fund services. Orange County, like many others in the US, attempted to raise revenue without increasing taxes. Their treasurer, Robert L. Citron, decided to get involved with a high risk high reward product. He chose to invest in derivatives and gamble with public money. Because interest rates were low at the time, Citrons portfolio was returning at an average rate of 8. 52%. This was 5% higher than what the state of California was earning. Orange County was enjoying the benefits of their treasure’s investments. In 1994, 35% of the county’s revenue was from the portfolios returns. The county continued to increase earnings and therefore no one looked into Citrons practices. He did inform the Board of Supervisors that the value of the county’s portfolio depended on interest rates remaining stable or decreasing. So when interest rates rose, the value of the portfolio diminished, eventually leading to bankruptcy. In December 1994, Orange County announced a loss of $1. 6 billion, the most significant loss recorded by a local government investment pool. This also displayed the negative side of the high risk investments made by Citron who was gambling with a $7. 5 billion portfolio made up of players such as cities, school, water works, and regional transportation. [1] There were many factors that led to the bankruptcy of Orange County. A Board of Supervisors member stated that there was a lack of oversight (not an accountable system) and failure of disclosure to investors. Citron also never met with the investment oversight committee that did exist, and as treasurer he had control over Orange County and their trust. Many have questioned if Citron was ever qualified to hold his position in office. Some even blame the state government. Originally they used to fund local governments, but when they started taking back they were taking $6. 5 million more than they were giving them. Before the county declared bankruptcy, an investor; First Boston, was selling its collateral because they saw that the county’s portfolio was declining. This was a hint that problems were around the corner because soon many investors would realize this and pull out. In response, bankruptcy was declared so that the funds would freeze and banks would not be able to liquidate the collateral. Another responsible party was Merrill Lynch, the county’s financial advisor. The purpose they serve is to protect the interests of the county. They did warn Citron about the volatility of the investments however they still bought him the same funds and underwrote a bond issue for $600 million. The warning was only sent to Citron and not to the Board of Supervisors. A lawsuit was filed in 1995 against Merrill Lynch by Orange County. [2] Besides the power he held over the county, another reason for the bankruptcy was Citron’s use of leveraging. As a leveraged fund, it could borrow money to increase its securities portfolio. Citron was able to leverage $7. 57 billion into $20. 5 billion. In essence, when the investment produces a high return rate, the stockholders will have a very high rate of return. On the other hand, if the investment produces a low return rate, the stockholders will have a very low return. They also used longer term maturities which makes it more sensitive to changing interest rates. So there is a high leverage risk as well as interest rate risk. [3] Duration is interest rate sensitivity and because Citron’s portfolio depended on interest rates it is a good measure. Because the portfolio used median term maturities over short term maturities to increase their return, the duration increased. In December 1994 the duration was 2. 74 years. With the leverage ratio at 2. 73, the actual portfolio duration was 7. 4 (2. 74*2. 73). When the interest rates rose in 1994, the estimated loss using duration was $1. 85 million, a little more than the actual amount. interest rates went up about 3. 5 and 5 year bond yield was 5%) VaR could also have been used to find some risks of the portfolio. VaR is a statistical technique used to measure and quantify the level of financial risk within a firm or investment portfolio over a specific time frame. Value at risk is used by risk managers in order to measure and control the level of risk which the firm undertakes. The risk manager’s job is to ensure that risks are not taken beyond the level at which the firm can absorb the losses of a probable worst outcome. investopedia definition) The portfolio was sensitive to interest rates so a change in the rate can be used in 3 simulation methods and the only impactive factor. Using a historical simulation approach, the VaR equals $1. 24 billion. This is lower then the actual value but it is also using past prices to determine the future. In the delta normal method VaR is calculated as $1. 21 billion. This is a little less accurate then the historical method. The best way in theory to calculate Var would be using the Monte Carlo Simulation. However in this situation it treats the portfolio as one asset and equals about $1 billion. Because none of these prove to be reliable enough, a exponentially weighted moving average can be used to improve the accuracy of VaR. What it does it give more weight to recent data then older data. [4] As a result of the bankruptcy many unfortunate consequences arose. Of course there was the $1. 6 billion in debt that needed to be re-payed to investors. Additionally the lawsuit against Merrill Lynch was draining funds from the community with no promising chance of recovery. The once perfect rating that Orange County held was now downgraded to a default rating by Standard & Poor. There were also many political consequences regarding the county and county officials. If the risk of the portfolio was taken into consideration by the appropriate parties, the entire situation could have been avoided. Unfortunately the power to stop Citron was in the hands of Merrill Lynch who did not take the appropriate action. The County also failed to monitor and assess the deal which puts several more people at blame for the bankruptcy.

Informative Marijuana Speech Essay

Marijuana, the â€Å"Killer Drug† as it has been called, has been around for longer than you think a. People really don’t know the origins or the properties of the plant at all. b. Not only has the usage of pot grown in recent years, but the number of strains and uses have grown as well. Lately state legislation across the nation have allowed marijuana for medical and even recreational use. However there are still many out there against marijuana, saying it’s harmful for you or makes you lazy and inattentive Transition: The growing of marijuana on American soil actually dates back to the 1600’s in the form of Hemp and wasn’t considered the â€Å"Killer Drug† until about 1910 Body: 1. Back then hemp was used to produce rope, sails, and clothing. a. All vital finished products that the colonists relied on to live. 2. In fact in 1619 the Virginia Assembly passed a legislation that required each and every farmer to grow hemp on their land. a. Hemp comes from the fibers of a marijuana plant stem. b. Hemp became so important that it actually was considered a legal tender in colonial markets. i. In fact the Deceleration of Independence was written on hemp. 3. However back then, no one thought to every grind it up and put it in a pipe like people do nowadays. 4. As the 19th century rolled around many pharmacies began using at refined hemp, marijuana, in many medicines to treat ailments ranging from a toothache to a broken heart. 5. Marijuana didn’t get a bad name until 1910 during the Mexican Revolution. a. During the revolution Mexicans came over the border in waves and with them they introduced marijuana for recreational uses to the U.S. citizens b. The plant became associated with the immigrants, and the public fear and prejudice became one with marijuana. Any terrible crime that was committed by a Mexican immigrant was blamed on marijuana. i. That’s just unfair honestly. c. It took until the 1960’s for marijuana to be used widely in America. i. Reports commissioned by JFK and Johnson discovered that marijuana had no chemicals present that led to violence nor lead to heavier drug usage. (PBS) Transition: Since then marijuana enthusiasts went all out creating new strains with different purposes and â€Å"highs† as you’d call it. 1. A strain is a specific type of marijuana, like a specific species. 2. All strains of marijuana come from two basic types. a. Sativa and Indica. 3. Sativa plants usually grow tall and thin and are better suited for outdoor farming because it’s hard to grow a plant indoors that can sometimes reach 25 feet in height a. Also the Sativa high you get is more known to provide energy and can be very uplifting to the user. This uplifting energy also sparks creativity in which you can see in many artists and musicians work. 4. Indica plants are nearly the exact opposite. They are better suited to indoor growing because its tendency to grow short and wide. a. The high you get from indica is usually a sleepy, groggy high. â€Å"Couch Locked† as people like to call it. Indica strains tend to have a very strong sweet or sour odor to the buds that can be very relaxing and is helpful when treating severe anxiety, sleeping disorders, and general body pain. 5. However these two strains are usually bred together to target certain form of effects that can be better suited to treat illnesses or just to be way more fun to smoke. Tra nsition: Currently the politicians around the country have begun passing legislation on the legal uses of marijuana. 1. As many people already know Colorado and Washington both have legalized marijuana for recreational use. a. Some may say California has too, but at this point it’s still supposed to be solely for medicinal purposes, and you will be arrested without the proper licenses to possess marijuana. b. As of now there are 20 states in the nation that have some form of legalization. i. Two states, California and Washington, have completely legalized weed. ii. Whereas the other 18 states have either decriminalized possession, making it a civil fine rather than criminal, or has made it attainable for medicinal use. c. The nation is taking steps, slowly but surely, to legalization across the board. Transition: However the legal use of weed just doesn’t benefit patients with  painful diseases, or people just trying to relax and have a good time. It could benefit the nation’s economy. Drastically. 1. Marijuana is currently one of the largest cash crops in the nation, and the government is receiving no benefit from it a. As of right now it is the largest cash crop in 3 states, a top 3 crop in 30, and a top 5 crop in 39 states. (NCBS). i. These profits are readily accessible as well. 2. Since there has never been a time of widespread legal use among the nation’s people, it’s very hard to judge the kind of profits that will come from the sales. a. Economists for NBC have judged that this new market can raise anywhere from 10 to even 40 billion, but with the potential to grow to even 100 billion annually. Transition: It’s apparent that the selling of marijuana can generate large profits, but do you know the health benefits and risks? 1. First off there has never been a recorded overdose death because of marijuana. a. That’s a few million deaths short of alcohol and tobacco cause 2. Marijuana is used by cancer patients to reduce pain and induce appetite. a. I’d like to quote a high school buddy of mine who was diagnosed with cancer at 18 â€Å"They say pot smoking is entrance to harder drugs†¦ I say it’s an entrance to the local drive through.† 3. According to the University of California, marijuana has been know n to increase happiness, reduce anxiety, and might even contain cancer preventing chemicals. a. However, long term usage has also been linked to increased schizophrenia at an older age, as well as lowered IQ’s in young developing minds. 4. The big question is it addictive? a. Some say â€Å"yes absolutely addictive! You’ll rot your mind out kid!† b. Scientists claim that marijuana is addictive, others claim the opposite. (WeedBlog) c. If you asked a user however they’d tell you straight up â€Å"I can quit whenever I want, I just choose not to.† d. I’m going to quote the late comedian Richard Neville here â€Å"Is marijuana addictive? Yes, in the sense that most of the really pleasant things in life are worth repeating.† Transition: Hopefully I was able to shed some light onto y’all about a very controversial subject in our modern society. Ending 1. So next time you judge someone for smoking down, think about what I’ve told you. a. Its history in the U.S. dates back before the Deceleration of Independence was signed. i. Artists from all over the world for many decades attribute marijuana to their creativeness and success. ii. It’s one of the few all natural medicines out there with no nasty side effects. iii. Not to mention we as a people are just years away from full legalization. b. Marijuana has been entrenched in our society for a long time, and it’ll be here for even longer.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Causes of Lying

How many people can say that they have never lied? In all sincerity, there is no one that could confess that. â€Å"A lie is an untruth, a deviation, big or small, from what is known to be real. It is a false statement deliberately presented as being true, thus misrepresenting a situation or giving a totally wrong impression about something† (â€Å"Why people lie†). It’s a natural feeling to want to lie or omit the truth to get out of a difficult situation. Most of the time people are dishonest because they fear that telling the truth will get them in trouble. The main motives that cause people to lie are the attempts to avoid punishment, to seek attention, and to protect others feelings. One of the most common reasons that people â€Å"tweak† the truth is to avoid punishment. The consequences of our actions can sometimes be frightful and in order to cover up a certain incident we find it necessary to blame someone or something else. A good example would be telling a teacher the dog ate your homework. This person blamed the dog to get away with forgetting to do their worksheet; therefore, they avoided getting a zero for the assignment. If a guy sees an attractive woman walk by while he is on a date with his girlfriend, it is normal for him to want to get a better glance. At this point it is reasonable for his â€Å"sweetie† to question if he was staring and if so, why? Of course the boy was admiring the lovely lady’s beauty, but in order to avoid an argument or even a break up the young man simply explains how he only has eyes for his divine girlfriend. In order to stay out of trouble people must do what they have to stay in the clear. If that means another person has to face the cost of another peer’s action, well so be it. Another instance in which lying is quite popular is when individuals want to seek attention. Sometimes people just want to fit in and be accepted by their associates, but in order to do that they must provide false information. â€Å"It boils down to the shifting sands of the self and trying to look good both to ourselves and others, experts say† (Lloyd). Some people lie in order to make their life seem more interesting. Saying that you met a famous celebrity or exaggerating about a social outing can make any social life appear exciting. Most of us want to be the center of attention and in order to get there we must make up stories to capture our friends interest. When a person really likes someone they pretend to be a fan of everything that individual favors just to capture their attention. A lot of times people just want to be perfect and act as if they know everything. In the article â€Å"Why people lie† it says: A person applying for a job may claim proficiency in a certain field he's obviously not very good in because the job requirements state it as a prerequisite. Another such person may similarly claim expertise in a particular area for the sake of impressing his boss, or in hope of promotion. This is called lying to gain an advantage over other people. This is where someone wants to present themselves as a well rounded person to be more qualified for a position. Pretending to be some your not can only take someone so far until their busted. In some cases, what causes us to lie is the need protect other people’s feelings. Lying is usually intended to help ourselves out, but sometimes we do it to keep us from dragging others into our problems. The medical reports are in and it says you have been diagnosed with cancer. The easy thing to do is to tell friends and family about the illness to gain their support. Lately, the people who love you the most have been really stressed out with problems of their own. Since they are having such a difficult time, some may think it would be best to keep the illness a secret. When loved ones ask about the results of the exam you say everything is â€Å"okay†. Dragging others into things that they should not worry about isn’t necessary; it is better if we look after each other’s feelings. When Moms spend a whole day preparing a special meal for their family it sometimes doesn’t turn out so great, but we realize that they dedicated all their time into creating something everyone could enjoy, so we tell them the food was delicious. A common question asked by ladies is if a particular outfit makes them look fat. Although what they are wearing may make them come across as chubby, you say it looks sensational on them to spare them the grief. â€Å"The study, published in the Journal of Basic and Applied Psychology, found that 60 percent of people had lied at least once during the 10-minute conversation, saying an average of 2. 2 inaccurate things† (Lloyd). The truth is a rare thing to hear now and days, but it’s all in the purpose of creating less drama in our day to day lives. Everyone lies, it’s just another part of life, but behind every lie there is a purpose; whether it is to avoid getting a phone taken up or to make someone feel good. Many situations lead to one of these three causes of lying. Sometimes all people want is to protect themselves or to care for others with false reports. At the end of the day millions of individuals would have lied, but the world continues to revolve.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Risk of Entry by Potential Competitors in Fast Food Industry

6. The common sense of principle that defines the generally observed relationship between demand, supply, and prices: as increases the price goes up, which attracts new suppliers who increase in supply bringing the price back tom normal. However, in the marketing of high price (prestige) goods, such as perfumes, jewellery, watches, Cars, Liquor, a low price may be associated with low quality, and may reduce demand. Demand is how much desire consumer have for de product or service is available .When demand is great and supply is low the price of a product or service increase when demand is low and supply is great . The price of a product or service decreases. The effect on price is the quantification of supply and demand. Demand in many instances is driven by disposable income and free time. Henry ford recognized this in increasing the wages of his workers and decreasing their work time. 8. Relationship between risk and return The relationship between risk and return is a fundamental financial relationship that affects expected rates of return on every existing asset investment.The Risk-Return relationship is characterized as being a â€Å"positive† or â€Å"direct† relationship meaning that if there are expectations of higher levels of risk associated with a particular investment then greater returns are required as compensation for that higher expected risk. Alternatively, if an investment has relatively lower levels of expected risk then investors are satisfied with relatively lower returns. This risk-return relationship holds for individual investors and business managers.Greater degrees of risk must be compensated for with greater returns on investment. Since investment returns reflects the degree of risk involved with the investment, investors need to be able to determine how much of a return is appropriate for a given level of risk. This process is referred to as â€Å"pricing the risk†. In order to price the risk, we must first be ab le to measure the risk (or quantify the risk) and then we must be able to decide an appropriate price for the risk we are being asked to bear.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Nick Adams as Code Hero of in Our Time

Ernest Hemingway is noted for having made many contributions to the literary world and one of his most notorious contributions is the Code Hero. The birth and growth of the Code Hero can be easily observed simply by watching the growth and development of Nick Adams throughout Hemingway's writing. In Our Time contains a various assortment of Nick Adam stories at various stages of his life and also shows the Code Hero at various stages of its development. In Our Time was the second book Hemingway had published. His first contained only three short stories and ten poems and had little to do with the Code Hero, making In Our Time the first time Hemingway revealed the Code Hero to the rest of the world. The technique and characterization contained in In Our Time is consistent with most of Hemingway's later writings, setting up In Our Time as a model of Hemingway's style and the Code Hero According to Professor Paul Totah of St. Ignatius, Hemingway defined the Code Hero as â€Å"a man who lives correctly, following the ideals of honor, courage and endurance in a world that is sometimes chaotic, often stressful, and always painful. The Code Hero measures himself by how well they handle the difficult situations that life throws at him. In the end the Code Hero will lose because we are all mortal, but the true measure is how a person faces death. The Code Hero is typically an individualist and free-willed. Although he believes in the ideals of courage and honor he has his own set of morals and pr inciples based on his beliefs in honor, courage and endurance. Qualities such as bravery, adventuresome and travel also define the Code Hero. A final trait of the Code Hero is his dislike of the dark. It symbolizes death and is a source of fear for him. The rite of manhood for the Code Hero is facing death. However, once he faces death bravely and becomes a man he must continue the struggle and constantly prove himself to retain his manhood (Totah). The Code Hero is present in the majority of Hemingway's novels. Even the young man in Hills Like White Elephants contained many of the characteristics of the Code Hero such as free-willed, individualist, and travel. The individualism comes out in his desire to not have a child. It would solidify the group aspect of a family between him and the lady. The travel trait is obvious by the mention of the stickers on the luggage denoting the many places they had been. His free will comes out also in his desire not to be a father. If he were a father he would have to begin making decisions for his child and family, not just for himself. The first Nick Adam story, Indian Camp shows Nick as a young boy and also shows Nick as he experiences the main characteristic of the Code Hero, facing death bravely. Nick's witnessing of the Indian's suicide introduces him to death for the first time. Instead of being frightened or sickened by the experience, Nick stays strong and asks his father questions about it instead. The fear of darkness is also touched upon in Indian Camp. When Nick first goes to the camp it is dark and he sits in the boat with his father's arm around him, providing a sense of security. When Nick leaves the camp it is light outside. Nick runs his hand through the water, which is described as warm and provides the sense of security that his father had to provide during the night. The light shining on the water and warmth that Nick feels is also mentioned along with Nick's thought that he would never die. Nick draws strength and sanctuary from the morning as opposed to the night before. Nick's feeling that he would never die shows this as an early stage in his development into a Code Hero. He has not accepted the inevitability of death, yet. The Doctor and the Doctor's Wife also shows Nick developing into the Code Hero, although in a very subtle way. Nick is only involved in the end of the story but the few sentences that Hemingway writes about him are enough to show development. Nick is described as sitting in the woods reading. This shows him as someone who enjoys the outdoors. From this it can be derived that he enjoys traveling. He doesn't like being tied down to civilization; he'd rather be out exploring and setting his own path. This shows the free will and individualism of Nick. The description of him reading shows that he's expanding his knowledge. It's unimportant what he's reading; it just shows that he's expanding his knowledge of the world. From this he will form his opinions and beliefs, helping him create his own value and belief system. His parents' contradicting religious views reinforce this. Since he does not have one religion exposed to him he has to examine both. From this he will pick and chose the ideals he believes in. The End of Something and The Three-Day Blow show the development of Nick's individualism. Although his age is not mentioned, it can be assumed he has passed through adolescence and is becoming a young man. He feels that his relationship with Marjorie is becoming too close. He is losing his individuality as they become more of a couple, although he doesn't realize it. All he knows it that the relationship wasn't fun any longer and it was over for some reason he didn't know. Bill articulates the reason when he describes what married life would have been like for Nick. Nick would have had to settle down and get a job and raise a family. Bill also points out that Nick would have been marrying her whole family, not just her. Nick would have no longer been an individual; he would have been part of a group. He also would have lost his free will. He would not have been able to do whatever he wanted whenever he wanted. He would have had to factor in the family into his decisions. Bill further points out that Marjorie's mother would have been around all the time telling them how to do things and act. Nick's desire to travel is illustrated when he thinks about how he and Marjorie had talked of going to Italy and all the places they would go and see. Another characteristic revealed is honor. Bill states that Nick did the right thing by breaking up with Marjorie now while she still has a chance to meet someone else and settle down with him. It is implied that by Nick stopping things he actually helped both of them avoid a life that would have made them miserable. In The Battler Hemingway has Nick face death for the first time since that day at the Indian camp as a young boy. Nick is older now and is becoming a young man. Although death is not openly visible in the story, Nick does face it in two ways. The first is symbolic in the fact that although it is dark outside, Nick walks up to the fire and the stranger and begins a conversation. Nick bravely faced death in this instance. He didn't let the fact that it was dark, he was not near anyone that could help him, or that he didn't know the man stop him. The other way Nick faced death was his encounter with Ad. Ad said he was going o give Nick a beating but a man that could snap in and out of reality the way Ad did could easily beat Nick to eath. Nick is aware that he is in a dangerous situation, but he remains calm and doesn't show cowardice. He slowly backs away from Ad while trying to talk him out of the fight. Although he backed away, he didn't turn and run or begin crying and begging for mercy. He recognized the fact that he couldn't win a fight against Ad and used his intelligence to try and find ano ther solution. The Battler also shows Nick as a traveler. He is train hoping his way from town to town. Cross-Country Snow again shows the travel aspect of the Code Hero. Nick talks of wanting t travel all over Switzerland and Europe to ski and mentions having traveled a lot in the United States. The story also shows Nick being unhappy about giving up his free will and individualism. He has a baby on the way and it will change everything. He knows he will have to return to the U. S. He says he is happy now that he will be a father but he still emits regret at not being able to ski anymore. This is symbolic of more than skiing, though. It symbolizes his regret at not being able to just bum around Europe or travel around the States. It symbolizes a loss of his free will. His decisions will no longer affect just him. This ties in with his loss of individualism. He now has a family to think about and provide for. He is part of a small group and not just an individual. Despite all this, he faces it bravely. He says he is happy to become a father. In this way he faces the death of his free will and individualism bravely. Big Two-Hearted River shows Nick as a man and also reveals that he has acquired many of the qualities of the Code Hero. He is out in the woods and camping along the river alone, depicting his individualism. His camping and fishing show his adventuresome personality. His reminiscing of other fishing trips at various places reveals his love of traveling. Nick is always respectful of nature and the river. There is an aspect of Nick's fear of the dark as well. When he speaks his voice sounds strange in the darkness and he doesn't speak again. Despite this fear he is brave and camps out alone near the river. By this point Nick has nearly matured into the full Code Hero and fully into a man. Chapter IV is the conclusion of the growth of the Code Hero and Nick Adams. Nick is in a war, most likely WWI. He has been shot and he is staring into the face of death. He is also smiling. In this short one paragraph sketch, Nick shows his bravery, courage and endurance to face an extremely difficult situation and face death. At this point Nick proves his manhood and shows the final evolution of the Code Hero. The fact that Nick is a soldier fighting in a war reinforces his bravery and courage. His survival during the war displays his ability to endure and persevere through tough situations. Although it is a collection of short stories, Hemingway's In Our Time presents his famous Code Hero in various stages of its development through the development of one of his most famous characters, Nick Adams. Characteristics such as bravery, courage, endurance, free will, individualism, a desire to travel, a fear of the darkness and the ability to face death and the difficulty of life are prevalent in Nick as he grows from a young boy in Indian Camp into a man in Chapter VI. The Nick Adams stories contained in In Our Time do a great job of showing Nick at various stages of his life and in various stages of his development into the Code Hero, making the book a model of the Code Hero.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

OCEANIA Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

OCEANIA - Research Paper Example However, the human exploration of the Oceania environment was not without negative effects to the environment. As a result, the change of the environment bears significant impacts to the people and the ecosystems in Oceania. The human activities have been the greatest contributors to the change in the environment. The lack of regulation among the people in the region caused them to over exploit the resources without considering its effects to the other ecosystems. The alteration of the environment caused changes to the various ecosystems in the region. For instance, the environmental changes resulted to extreme changes of the temperatures in the region. The mean temperatures were extremely high than before, and this interfered with the lives of other a biotic processes. The temperature variability over time also influences the rainfall pattern in the region. As a result, the region became prone to interactions with new pathogens and invasive species. These were groomed by the varying temperature and rainfall patterns. Moreover, the environmental changes caused the region to experience extreme cases of natural phenomenon. For example, the alteration of the environmental systems in the region resulted to occurrences of storms in the region. Moreover, there have been extreme cases of floods resulting from human activities. In addition, the accumulation of the carbon gases in the air has resulted to climate change. This is a major contributor and trigger of the temperature and rainfall variability in the region. All these variations have affected the lives of the people negatively. In addition, they have altered the natural ecosystems in the region2. The Oceania region has a unique physical geography nature. The region is divided into four regions that include Micronesia, Polynesia, Melanesia and Malaysia. All these regions are characterized by different geopolitical attributes. As neighbouring nations, the political influence of the nations would be

Monday, August 12, 2019

Analysis of The Best Man Film Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Analysis of The Best Man Film - Research Paper Example They are a perfect way for humans to connect emotionally, communicate between each other, and highlight evil and good incidents in the society. Stories enable societies to pass important virtues, history through generations, and build strong relations. Stories are powerful tools, which if well narrated can posses enormous power that establishes a profound connection with the audience. Connecting with the audience is a crucial aspect in storytelling, which moves and creates lasting memories in the audience. Telling a compelling story is the sure way of ensuring that people do not forget the story. This is because the feelings and emotions from a superb story are inerasable. The Best Man film is an example of a compelling story, narrated in the form of a movie. It achieved this quality through the various aspects, which include proper selection of setting, themes, cinematography and directing. Perhaps, the producers achieved this through properly identifying a particular audience, thei r profound goal, and the particular message the writer wants to pass across. The best man film capitalizes on these aspects to bring out a superb connection with its audience. To start with, the film uses real-life characters to communicate with its audience. This is a realization that stories in films are about people. People are what the audience connects with, and the film achieves this goal using characters, which the audience appreciate and connect with completely. The directors of the film further, in the cinematography, exploit the use of characters to speak their story themselves. Through this way, the piece becomes relatable and personalized, which makes the film authentic and captivating. To keep the audience connected to the story and avoid boring them, ‘The Best Man’ creates suspense throughout its narration. The characters constantly stir up emotions by bringing out issues that the society highly appreciates. Throughout the film, the use of clear meaning an d direction provides a clear meaning and decisive moment. These entirely enable the movie to create cathartic moments with the end of each episode. This of course, leaves the audience craving for the next episode. The film does not leave out the theme either. The setting is in a society that is traditionally renowned to be romantic, a factor that captivates a sense of authenticity of the entire action. Filmsettings are an important area of concern for movie producers. The setting in the film affects its cinematography. In the production of any movie, there are things that are not possible to shoot both in full scale and in real time. Others come with an unacceptable expense in terms of time and money. Special effect is the domain of showing the impossible or impractical: the art of making things appear to have happened. Production effects, including mechanical, are those that producers can stage during the principal or second-unit photography; the crew can photograph in one pass usi ng unmodified cameras. Special photographic effects, often referred to as special effect cinematography, employ photographic techniques to achieve their illusion. They may call for modified production camera, a special process camera (used in optical printing houses and laboratories rather than on a set), unconventional lighting, fixed and travelling matters, bi-pack and optical printing. They also require unusual degree of creative resourcefulness. Because of the extreme care and precision required, a separate unit working at its own pace, without tying up production personnel and full-scale production sets, handles special effect cinematography. However, the most important reason why producers consign

Sunday, August 11, 2019

The Effects of Globalization on the Sultanate of Oman Economy, Society Essay

The Effects of Globalization on the Sultanate of Oman Economy, Society and Policy - Essay Example As the report stresses globalization is the current trend of the major countries joined within the process of development of the entire human society today based on the international trade. What globalization is actually based on is the ideal thought of making the entire human society operatively connected to each other through the development of worldwide economy. It could be observed that the most affected countries in this particular process are those that are most connected to their cultural standing and traditions as a country which has an identifiable status in the international sense. The main focus of this research shall be addressed on the different developments and adjustments that the sultanate system of Oman should and already have undergone for the sake of being able to cope up with the challenges of global trade. Through this research, deciphering the different effects of globalization in the different aspects of social, political and economic systems of the country. By doing so, it is expected that understanding globalization in a more balanced perspective shall be given way in this research. To be able to come up with a considerable result for this research, the researcher plans to handle the study through basing from the combined perspectives of other researchers in the field of understanding how the sultanate government of Oman tries to cope with a more liberalized system of economy in the world at present.

Business Policy (Case Study) Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Business Policy ( ) - Case Study Example It is observed that the most powerful feature of the Ford is its flexibility to assimilate with various market situations. This extreme feature has assisted the company to vie with many competitive aspects of the market. It also seems that the Ford possesses an efficient management team whothat effectively forecasts the market and changing consumer tastes and thereby designs innovative car models. This case study gives a detailed view of the automobile industry evolution and its progress over different eras. This paper evaluates the features of Ford Motor Company and also analyzes impact of 2008-09 economic crises on the company. Context of the case The first internal-combustion powered vehicles were notably produced by Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz in Germany. This was an epoch-making innovation in the history of automobile industry. By the end of nineteenth century, hundreds of manufacturers were producing automobiles both in Europe and in America. The twentieth century witnessed the rapid growth of automobile industry and thus the upward trends in sales volume were clearly visible after the Second World War. From the figure 4.1, it is precise that trucks and buses were less produced in US at the beginning of the 19th century as compared to other passenger vehicles (p.49). However, this trend gradually changed after 1990s and it can be clearly attributed to the effects of globalization and industrialization. Uncertainty over the design and technology of the motorcar was the major issue that impeded the early years of automobile industrial growth. The figure 4.3 indicates that US motor vehicle production as percentage of world’s production gradually declines from 1965 to 2008 (p.50). During the earlier periods of motor vehicles production, the internal-combustion engines faced tough competition from steam as well as electric motors. However, ranges of fascinating features of internal combustion engines could dominate the market. Over this period, compa nies brought different designs and technologies among which many one-promising designs were relegated to the scrapheap of history. As we discussed earlier, the Ford Model T was one of the designs that became the focus of attraction of automobile market in this period. Different countries adopted different sized market segments so as to capture the market opportunities. It is necessary to note that â€Å"Fordism† was the first major revolution in process technology although Toyota’s â€Å"clean production† got world wide acceptance during the 1980’s and 1990’s. The case reflects that the cost of creating a new mass-production passenger car from drawing board to production line was in excess of $1.5 billion. This huge cost associated with product development blocked faster economic growth of car manufacturers. This situation persuaded the companies to think about the concept of mergers and acquisitions. These integration processes and thereby combine d operating costs have assisted the companies to take advantages of lower product development costs economies. The figure 4.4 shows that Ford had made alliances with numbers of other automakers like Tata and Toyota. The Ford’s trend of the past 30 years shows that the firm moves toward increasing outsourcing of materials, components, and services with intent to achieve lower

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Social Person Perspective Matrix Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Social Person Perspective Matrix - Assignment Example The government and unions supplied the workers with much needed safety & security per Maslow’s hierarchy; worker needs the organizational leaders appeared to be ignoring. This perspective includes psychological concepts such as self-awareness, self-esteem, and self-actualization, and effective interpersonal communication and relationships. Managing with the whole person concept in mind is critical for the manager’s role today to maximize available limited resources. The social person needs to be a primary focus for the manager as that is what determines the needs and motivations of the worker (Reza, 2009). Noe et al. (2003) state that the Social Person Perspective came at a time in history when there had previously been solely a focus on production and increasing efficiency and productivity, at the sake and discomfort of the people. The evolution of management received a well-needed infusion of human understanding which eased management – worker conflicts, ended misunderstandings, and continued to increase organizational production while improving employee morale. Within the motivational theories that were brought about as a result of the focus on the social person, the important thing to remember is to treat the staff you work with as team members, not staff that work for you. The manager is not above everyone else, but working with them to get the work completed timely and accurately. Do not resort to the autocratic method of management. The workplace is a collection of adults who value and respect their time and effort and expect the same in return. They will then return the same value and respect to their team members, which includes the manager (Noe et al., 2003). Warmoth, A. (1998, August). Humanistic psychology and humanistic social science. Reprinted from Humanity and Society (the journal of the Association for Humanist Sociology, 22(3) Retrieved March 20, 2011 from

Friday, August 9, 2019

Meeting stakeholders needs Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Meeting stakeholders needs - Assignment Example Stakeholders can be further subdivided into two groups: Internal stakeholders: people or group belonging within a business – owners, employees. External stakeholders: people or group belonging outside the business – debt holders, creditors, government, customers, community (BBC, 2013). 1. b. Diagram depicting the stakeholders in an organization (Source: BBC, 2013) 1. c i) Employees (internal stakeholders) in my organization are provided with bonus at the time of their monthly salary. They are also given performance based incentives/appraisals. In my field of work, where there is extensive use of chemicals, workers are given proper training as to how to use them safely and high quality equipments are provided to them in order to build a safe working environment. Customers (external stakeholders) are provided with good quality products and services, ensuring a timely and safe delivery of products. Customer feedbacks are constantly monitored. These are the tasks and respon sibilities assigned to us, as engineers, sales and shop floor operators of the organization. ii) Ensuring an effective communication between the internal stakeholders and the management is an important framework by means of which the former can convey their expectations and needs to the latter and through this the management extracts necessary detail to know the needs of the stakeholders in terms of quality, quantity, timeliness and cost. As far as the external stakeholders are concerned, keeping track of their feedbacks, as well as conducting timely surveys is one way of knowing their needs in terms of quality, quantity, timeliness and cost. 1. d A process involves set of steps and activities designed to perform a certain task in order to reach a specified objective. In other words it can also be described as â€Å"the way in which the abstract goal of putting customers first gets turned on its practical consequences† (Seethamraju, 2012, p. 537). 1. e. The difference between the cost of manufacturing a product and the amount received when that product is sold is termed as the value added to that product (Business Dictionary, 2013b). 1. f. In my field of work, re – works/repairs, defects, chemical waste, delays, poor material allocation, unnecessary material handling is considered as non value adding activities (Alwi, Hampson, and Mohamed, 2002). 1. g. i) I work for an organization which specializes in photo – etching. It is a process which produces complex metal parts with precise detail by adopting a tightly controlled corrosion mechanism (Precision micro, 2013). ii) Photosensitive polymers, metal sheets, stencils, chemicals, UV ray source are key inputs to a photo etching process (Leeweston1980, 2010). iii) The products derived from photo etching process are electronics packaging components, frets & harnesses, medical devices & implants etc. iv) Materials used as inputs (as mentioned above) are changed or used up by the process whereas the workforce involved/the activity involved in the process remains unchanged. v) The amount generated after the output product is sold less the cost involved in the production is the value added to the product. TASK 2 2.a.i. The different stakeholders involved in this incident can be classified into two divisions namely: Internal Stakeholders: The employees working for Swinton. External Stakeholders: The customer and the supplying insurance company. 2.a.ii. As